Revised Gradebook


1. Information Hierarchy: How might we reorganize the information and hierarchy to support intuitive navigation?
2. Reduce Cognitive Overload: How might we take away unnecessary information or design details to reduce cognitive overload?
3. Workflow Orientation/Tool Tips: How might we include supports to learn quick keys to unlock the value (saving-time grading)?
4. How else might we improve the user experience to show immediate value?

Spotlight Design Decisions:

1. Reordered the hierarchy to set assignment details apart as a header and subject color to segment area. In addition, one can click on the arrows to go to the next or previous assignments.

2. Rather than having tabs, I allowed a way for the user to select multiple students or filter them by incomplete work, ungraded, late, etc.

3. Tooltip to help learn quick keys for workflow.

4. Value: This design supports multiple forms of grading and optimizes the workflow by putting the material to be graded in the same view as the grade input and feedback.